Heart of America Eye Care Congress

See you in February!
February 7-9, 2025
Sheraton Crown Center
Kansas City, Missouri

Book Your Hotel

Notice: You have 30:00 minutes left in your session. Please complete your registration before this time expires.

2025 HOAECC Exhibitor Registration

  These fields are required.

Step 1 Exhibitor Information

Already have a Portal login? Avoid re-entering all this information by logging in here!


Please provide the Exhibiting company's name, contact information and company description. This information will be publicly available on the Heart of America Interactive Exhibitor Map and will be available in the Heart Congress App.
Company Name:
Web Site:
Company Description:

Registration Contact

Please provide the name and email address of the person responsible for registering and paying booth fees. 
First Name:
Last Name:

Digital Media Contact

Please provide name and email address of the person who will be representing your company at the Heart of America Congress. Their name and email address will be publicly available on the Heart of America Interactive Exhibitor Map and in the Heart Congress App. Heart of America Exhibits Directors will directly email the Digital Media Contact for their success and comfort exhibiting at the Heart.
  Copy Registration Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:

Step 2 Registration Information

Booth Fees:
Before January 8, 2025: $2,600.00
Before February 7, 2025: $2,850.00
On or After February 7, 2025: $2,850.00
There will be no refund issued for cancellations after January 1, 2025
Booth Count: ($2,850.00/Booth)

Booth assignment is highly competitive. Booth assignments will be based upon:

  1. 1. Booth deposit paid by October 1
  2. 2. Level of sponsorship to the Heart Public & Professional Relations.
  3. 3. Loyalty/Longevity of exhibiting at the HOAECC Congress.
  4. 4. Date of receipt of booth deposit.

Click here to view the Convention Hall Floor Plan (pop-up window)

Click here to view the Interactive Interactive Exhibitor Map
Booth Preference 1:
Booth Preference 2:
Booth Preference 3:
Booth Preference 4:
Booth Preference 5:
Five Exhibitor Badges are included in the price of each Exhibitor booth. Additional badges can be purchased for $50.00 each. If you will need additional badges please indicate how many you require below:
Additional Badge Count: ($50.00/Extra Badge)

Stuffers for Registration Packets

  1. Stuffers must arrive by Tuesday, January 7, 2025 in order to be included in the registration envelope.   The Early Bird Fee is $400.00. This may be paid by credit card online at your booth registration site. If you are paying by check, please make the check out to HOAECC and mail the check only to:

    c/o Ron D. Hansen, OD, FAAO
    3805 Foxfire St.
    Hutchinson KS 67502

  2. Stuffers arriving after February 1 cannot be included in the envelopes, but will be placed in the bags given to registrants. The Late Fee is $800.00 to place these. Payment options are the same as above.

  3. All flyers paid for and scheduled to arrive before January 27, 2024 should be mailed to the following address: (Please do not send checks to this address, only flyers.)

    518 E. 16th Street
    Kansas City, MO 64108

  4. Stuffers that cannot be delivered to the above address by February 1 must be sent directly to the Hotel.  Those arriving on February 6 or later will be placed at the Registration Desk for registrants to take as they go through the line. We would appreciate credit card payments only for these flyer payments. They should be mailed to:

    Jeffry Gerson — HOAECC Registration
    c/o Sheraton Crown Center
    2345 McGee St
    Kansas City, MO. 64108

Checks should be made out to the HOAECC for the appropriate amount.

PLEASE NOTE: Items sent to the Hotel should be timed to arrive no sooner than three days in advance as the hotel reserves the right to charge you a storage fee for longer periods of time.

If you want to purchase a Packet Stuffer, please indicate how many you require below:

Packet Stuffers: ($800.00/Packet Stuffer)

HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE: The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arriving out of injury or damage to exhibitor's displays, equipment, and other property brought upon the premises of the hotel and shall indemnify and hold harmless the hotel agents, servants, employees, and Heart of America Eye Care Congress members and Board of Directors from any and all such losses, damages, and claims. Submission this form and payment for your booth space indicates agreement with the terms of the Hold Harmless Clause.


Step 3 Sponsorship Opportunities

I would like to be contacted regarding additional sponsorship opportunities.

Step 4 Payment Information

  Count/Level Fee Total
Booths 0 $2,850.00 $0.00
Extra Badges 0 $50.00 $0.00
Packet Stuffers 0 $800.00 $0.00
Sponsorship None $0.00 $0.00
Total $0.00

Select Method of Payment

 Credit Card

Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Please note that we only accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

Online Payments


Send to:
Ron Hansen, OD, FAAO
3805 Foxfire
Hutchinson , KS 67502

Make check payable to: HOAECC


If you wish to make other arrangements for payment than are available here, select this option and use the contact information above to work out the details.